I spend most nights doing some sort of craft, since it’s my favorite way to spend my alone time. My crafting kicks into high gear especially during the winter because I am not a fan of cold weather! Now that Pinterest has entered my life, I have no shortage of crafts to do. This tutorial […]
Must Have Monday
Source Aren’t these pretty?? I think they would be great for not only a bride but for a group of bridesmaids that are looking for some glittery shoes to complete their looks! I stumbled across these on my search for shoes for the New Year’s Eve Event that we have coming up. Now, I’m not […]
Must Have Monday
Today’s Must Have is a great hairstyle! It is definitely something that you may not think of right away; the venue, photographer and dress seem to trump the little details at the beginning. But once those things are set in place you should put some thought into your wedding day hairstyle. Do you want a […]